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Chico Unified School District


Chico Unified School District


Bullying Information

"No Bullying" Graphic
All types of bullying are UNACCEPTABLE in Chico Unified. If you suspect bullying is happening on your child's campus, then immediately contact your school Principal or counselor. An anonymous bully tip line is also available for students.
Resources and Information:
Cyberbullying is a serious issue for students and parents. The following PowerPoints will help you create safe guards for using social media.

What Constitutes Bullying?

The majority of unkind behaviors are often peer conflicts that are multi-dimensional and do not match the definition of bullying.  Such situations are addressed through restorative conversations and are often resolved with adult guidance and support.  However, there are rare cases that do meet the definition of bullying.  Such situations will be fully investigated and responded to with diligence and a variety of appropriate actions and/or discipline.  Because our goal is to find solutions and teach children to become resilient and kind, the victim and the bully will both receive extensive support from our social/emotional wellness team and staff will be advised to closely monitor or minimize all future interactions. 
In order for behavior to be considered bullying, the behavior must be intentional and aggressive and include:
  • An Imbalance of Power: use of power to control and/or harm others 
  • Repetition: aggressive behaviors that happen more than once and over time

Bullying Resources for Parents


Bullying Prevention

Utilize our online resource center for information to help identify and prevent bullying.

Report Bullying

anonymous Reporting Click to Submit Catapult EMS
Students, parents, staff and community members can anonymously report any safety concerns or bullying reports with our online form or hotline: