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Chico Unified School District


Chico Unified School District

Application, Free/Reduced Transportation

Application, Free/Reduced Transportation

Annual Application for Transportation (please complete both pages)
Solicitud anual para Transporte (por favor complete las dos páginas)
Applications are also available at the Transportation Office located at 2455 Carmichael Dr. Chico, CA  95928.
Free/Reduced Transportation
Please check the "Free/Reduced Transportation" box on the application and indicate household size and monthly gross income.  
Form 10 students or students living in the parent transport area may also apply for Free or Reduced transportation, however, if at anytime the bus becomes overcrowded, transportation privileges may be revoked.
If you have any questions, please call the office at 891-3097, press 6 for Transportation then 0 for the Office.


The Chico Unified School District Board has approved the establishment of a fee-based transportation program in order to continue transportation services to eligible students (elementary students residing more than one mile from the school and secondary students residing more than two miles from school). The purpose of this program is to provide safe, convenient, effective and cost-effective transportation services to students. Students currently residing in the District may apply for transportation services prior to the beginning of the school year. Students moving into the District after the beginning of the school year may apply for transportation when they register for school.  

Application Process
Parents desiring home-school transportation services must apply for the service ANNUALLY and receive District approval before their child(ren) will be allowed to ride the school bus. Applications are available at the Transportation Office located at 2455 Carmichael Drive. Applications must be approved and fees paid at the Transportation Department. If applications are returned to a school site, the student will be unable to ride the bus until the application is processed.

Parents who pay a transportation fee and receive District approval for their child to ride a school bus will be advised that they must pay any subsequent transportation fee(s) in a timely manner to retain their transportation service. Parents will also be advised that if transportation fees are not paid in a timely manner and transportation services are revoked, the parent assumes full responsibility for the welfare and transport of her/his child.  

Space-Available Transportation Services
Any student who is not eligible for District transportation services (i.e., student residing inside the one/two mile parent transport area, Form 10 Intra-District agreement, Form 11 Inter-District agreement) may be allowed to ride the school bus for a fee on a space-available basis using existing stops. If applications for space-available ridership exceed available space on the bus, younger students (as determined by grade level) will be granted transportation services on a priority basis. When necessary, an impartial drawing will be used at a particular grade level to determine ridership. If it becomes necessary to revoke transportation services for a space-available rider due to an increase of eligible riders living outside the District-approved school parent-transport areas, appropriate notice will be given to the parent and remaining unused fees will be returned.