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Chico Unified School District


Chico Unified School District


Business Services

Photo of the construction team on school site


Our mission is to enhance and support the learning environment via planning, commitment, responsiveness and awareness.
The Business Division is made up of several departments.  We encompass the support areas of Nutrition Services, Technology, Facilities Maintenance and Operations, Risk Management and Safety, Student Transportation, Facilities Planning and Construction, Accounting, Payroll, Attendance, Purchasing, Warehousing and District-wide Budgeting.
The Chico Unified School District is made up of 12,959 students housed in twenty-two school sites covering 1.2 million sq. ft., which are supported by over 1,800 permanent, part-time and substitute employees.   In this mission, the District annually spends approximately $105.5 million general fund dollars made up of $70.1 million unrestricted, $6.7 million Federal, $18.7 million State and $1.1 million local.  Of the unrestricted and local dollars, $24.7 million comes from Local Property taxes.
As a District, we are very focused on individual student academic success.  The employees of the Business Division are proud of the role we play in accomplishing this critical mission.  Please look through the various departmental links on this web page. Through the depth of their content, we hope you will be able to get a feel for the excitement and dedication the Business Services Division employees have toward improving the learning experience of each individual student.
Business Services Staff

Business Services Staff

  • Assistant Superintendent, Jaclyn Kruger
  • Administrative Assistant, Rocio Curiel
  • Purchasing, Daniel Stubbs
  • Warehouse, Shipping & Receiving, Errin Norlie