Measure C Bond
Dear Community -
Dear Community -
Dear Community -
Our job at Chico Unified School District (CUSD) is to ensure that our students succeed, whether it means getting into college or landing a good-paying job after high school graduation.
Our challenge is that our Chico Schools have served our community well, but there is no doubt they are aging, and some campuses have exceeded their useful life. The state of our classrooms, facilities and technology is impacting teaching and learning. Our 21 schools are in constant use, serving over 12,000 students each day. Some of our schools are over 80 years old and need ongoing modernization to keep pace with 21st-century instruction.
Our students deserve safe, modern school facilities to help them best prepare for college and careers.
Over the past two years, Chico Unified has analyzed the condition of our school facilities. We've worked hard to utilize an open, transparent process to ensure quality schools for future generations.
What is Measure C?
Measure C will fund crucial repairs and upgrades to our Chico Unified schools,with a focus on our elementary schools. Some of our elementary schools werebuilt over 70 years ago, have not been updated, and are in need of significantstructural repairs and upgrades.
How Will Measure C Funds be Used?
Measure C will address the following critical needs:
- Full renovation of three elementary schools so they meet today’s safetyand educational standards.
- Repair or replace leaky roofs and windows, faulty plumbing and wiring,bathrooms, and heating/cooling systems.
- Replace old, deteriorating portables with modern, permanent classrooms.
- Expand facilities to house literacy programs for our youngest learners.
- Improve school safety and security.
What Safeguards Are on the Bond?
Important Safeguards Include:
- All bond money is used for local schools.
- All bond money goes towards school facilities and cannot be used for salaries or pensions.
- A Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee ensures bond funds are spent only for the purposed outlined in the bond measure.
- Projected tax rates are limited to $60 per $100,000 of assessed valuation.
Chico Unified School District uses the Facilities Master Plan to outline and explain where funds will be used.
Can You Explain Tax Rate Extensions?
Measure E was approved by voters as a tax rate extension bond. It is merely an extension of the previously passed Measure A bond. As a result, no new bond dollars can be sold until debt from prior bond is paid off. By paying off old debt and only incurring the same debt with Measure E, the tax payer would not be paying any additional taxes. Currently, Measure E has sold $45 million and there is $33 million left to be sold and utilized on Chico Unified facilities.
Estimados Padres y Miembros de la Comunidad,
Estimados Padres y Miembros de la Comunidad,
Estimados Padres y Miembros de la Comunidad,
Nuestro trabajo en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Chico (CUSD) es garantizar que nuestros estudiantes tengan éxito, ya sea que esto signifique ingresar a la universidad o conseguir un trabajo bien remunerado después de graduarse de la escuela secundaria.
Nuestro desafío es que nuestras Escuelas de Chico han servido nuestra comunidad bien, pero no hay duda que están envejeciendo y algunos campus han superpesado su vida útil. El estado de nuestras aulas, instalaciones y tecnología está impactando la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Nuestras 22 escuelas están en uso constante y atienden a más de 12,000 estudiantes cada día. Algunas de nuestras escuelas tienen más de 80 años y necesitan una modernización continua para mantenerse al día con la instrucción del siglo XXI.
Nuestros estudiantes merecen instalaciones escolares seguras y modernas que los ayuden a prepararse mejor para la universidad y sus carreras.
Durante los últimos dos años, Chico Unified ha analizado la condición de nuestras instalaciones escolares.Hemos trabajado arduamente para utilizar un proceso abierto y transparente para garantizar escuelas de calidad para las generaciones futuras.