Facilities Use
Welcome to the Chico Unified Facilities Department
The Board of Trustees recognizes that District facilities and grounds are a community resource whose primary purpose is to be used for school programs and activities. The Board authorizes the use of school facilities and grounds by community groups for purposes provided for in the Civic Center Act when such use does not interfere with school activities. All school-related activities (clubs, class events, etc.) shall be given priority in the use of facilities and grounds under the Civic Center Act. Civic Center Use may be either free, subject to a charge not to exceed "direct costs," or subject to an amount determined to be "fair rental value". Ref. The Civic Center Act, Ed. Code Sec. 38130-38139 and CUSD Board Policy 1330.
School facilities shall not be available for public use under conditions or at times when use would interfere with the regular school program, or when the public use would be inconsistent with the purposes of public education.
Scheduling the use of school facilities and grounds is required. All school affiliated organizations and others who use the facilities and grounds outside of normal school hours, defined as one hour before school begins until one hour after school is over, must have pre-approval.
Facility and Grounds Use Priority
1st Priority Chico Unified Schools use for instructional and other purposes, including:
> student body group officially recognized by Chico USD
> school employee group officially recognized by Chico USD
> school related group (e.g. Boosters, Education Foundation)
> facilities and grounds maintenance (some facilities and grounds may be excluded from scheduling in order to provide for or until needed maintenance can be conducted, or projected over use.)
2nd Priority Chico Area Recreation District (CARD) Joint Use per Agreement
3rd Priority Other public schools in the Butte County are, including non-district charter schools
4th Priority Community Use: non-profit schools and youth groups that are non-profit entities such as Scouts, Little League, AAU, club sports, senior groups, etc. on a first come, first serve basis.
5th Priority Community Use: for-profit including public presentations/performances
6th Priority Church Services: as required by BP 1330/Ed Code 38130-38138
Facilities Use Request
All requests should be made at least fourteen (14) days in advance.
Applicants who wish to use a site for a school quarter, semester, or annual basis shall submit their requests at least thirty (30) days prior to the intended use.
All applicants must submit an online application and agree to the guidelines outlined in the Facilities Use Manual
District Calendar of Events
Contact Information
Facilities Use Department: 530-891-3140 x 20603
Administrative Specialist: Kristian Colwell
Facilities Use Coordinator: Phil Morgan