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Chico Unified School District


Chico Unified School District

Merit System Rules

Merit System Rules

Cover Sheet and Forward  
Table of Contents  
Rule 1 Definition of Terms
Rule 2 Commission Organization and Procedure
Rule 3 Classified Service
Rule 4 Job Descriptions
Rule 5 Classification/Reclassification and Impact and Effects of Classification/Reclassification
Rule 6 Wage and Salary Provisions
Rule 7 Application for Employment
Rule 8 Examinations
Rule 9 Eligibility and Employment Lists
Rule 10 Certification and Appointment
Rule 11 Leave of Absence without Pay
Rule 12 Leave of Absence with Pay
Rule 13 Probationary Period
Rule 14 Improvement Record Evaluations
Rule 15 Promotions and Voluntary Demotions
Rule 16 Transfers
Rule 17 Layoff
Rule 18 Resignations
Rule 19 Reinstatement after Resignation
Rule 20 Disciplinary Procedures - Disciplinary Appeal
Rule 21 Merit System Complaint Procedures
Rule 22 Political Activities
Rule 23 Employee Clearances
Rule 24 Training and Safety
Rule 25 Penalties
Rule 26 Amendment, Deletion, or Addition to Merit System Rules and Regulations