District Goals and Mission
Board Adopted Goals 2024/25 School Year
Board Adopted Goals 2024/25 School Year
Board Adopted Goals 2024/25 School Year
Each year, the Board of Education adopts district-wide goals. The goals align with our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and guide decisions throughout the year. The 2024/25 goals were adopted at the June 26, 2024, Board of Education Meeting.
Goal 1 - Provide academic instruction and tiered interventions to ensure student learning and high achievement for each and every student.
Goal 2 - Provide social-emotional learning, supports and interventions to promote healthier student attitudes about themselves and others.
Goal 3 - Provide behavioral instruction and supports as a proactive approach to creating a safe, positive climate and school culture.
Goal 4 - Provide Equity Multiplier funding to qualifying sites to meet non-stability and socioeconomically disadvantaged pupil thresholds in the prior year.*
* The four sites receiving Equity Multiplier funding are Fair View, Center for Alternative Learning, Academy for Change and Oakdale.
(Goals are based on June 26, 2024 Board adopted Local Control Accountability Plan)
The mission of the Chico Unified School District, a partnership of students, staff, families and community, is to ensure all students achieve high levels of academic and personal success, contribute to their community and confidently succeed in a changing global society by engaging in quality educational programs that address diverse student needs and promote learning throughout life.
Chico Unified School District Expectations
Chico Unified School District Expectations
Chico Unified School District Expectations
In support of the Board adopted goals, Chico Unified staff will:
- Remember that the most fundamental and important relationship in the teaching/learning process is that between the teacher and the student.
Demonstrate that all students are our students
- Be responsible, individually and collectively, for each child’s success
- Ensure that we meet the needs of all students
- Provide positive learning environments, in and out of the classroom
Demonstrate that students and families are our first priority:
- Focus on teacher-parent and school-family communications
- Inform parents about their child’s progress on a regular basis
- Return calls or emails from parents in a timely manner
Fully Implement Professional Learning Communities
- Focus instruction and collaboration on the following four questions:
- What do we want students to know?
- How do we know if students know it?
- How do we respond when students do not know it?
- How do we extend learning and provide enrichment when students do know it?
- Collaborate with peers to improve teaching and learning
- During weekly collaboration time
- During department meetings, grade-level meetings, and other established site-level times
- Teach to the adopted standards, utilizing state- and board-adopted instructional materials
- Administer district- and site-level common assessments
- Adjust instruction to improve learning, based on evidence gathered from classroom and common assessments
- Focus instruction and collaboration on the following four questions:
- Monitor and adjust our district budget to ensure solvency, local control of our schools, and optimum benefit from the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)