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Chico Unified School District


Chico Unified School District


Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

Each year, Chico Unified reviews the progress in meeting our students’ needs by looking at data and gathering feedback from students, families, staff, and community. Student and community input meetings are scheduled in the spring and all families are encouraged to participate.
The annual LCAP plan review guides decisions about what we will do to support students and how we spend funds to provide services to all students based on their needs. Parent and student input help us identify what is working well and areas where we can continue to improve to meet our goal of serving every student every day.
Chico Unified School District’s progress on LCAP goals is reviewed annually, and revised as needed, with input from students, parents, employees, and community partners. State-identified priorities guide the goals, actions, and services that are included in each district’s LCAP.
Provide academic instruction and tiered interventions to ensure student learning and high achievement for each and every student.
Provide social-emotional learning, supports and interventions to promote healthier student attitudes about themselves and others.
Provide behavioral instruction and supports as a proactive approach to creating a safe, positive climate and school culture.
Provide Equity Multiplier funding to qualifying sites to meet non-stability and socioeconomically disadvantaged pupil thresholds in the prior year.* 
* The four sites receiving Equity Multiplier funding are Fair View, Center for Alternative Learning, Academy for Change and Oakdale.


Input Meetings


2024-25 LCAP Meetings
The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the accompanying Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), are new opportunities to engage with our Chico Unified families. The LCFF requires that we study data, consider best practices, understand our own needs, and discuss how to best invest in our students with the resources available to us. Meetings are held on an annual basis (usually in the spring) and public input is gathered during these meetings.
COMING SOON: 2024-25 Meeting Dates English y Español

School Site Councils

Parents/Guardians can also provide LCAP input by participating in their student's School Site Council Meeting. If you are interested in learning about the School Site Council, please speak with you student's school office.

Board Adopted LCAP

The 2024-25 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) was approved at the June 26, 2024 Special Board Meeting/Workshop.

Funding & Budget

As a public K-12 school, Chico Unified School District receives revenue from a number of sources:
  • California Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)
  • Federal Revenue
  • Other State Revenue
  • Other Local Revenue
The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) applies to one of these funding sources - the California Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The LCFF funding model specifically addresses students that the State of California has identified as students with greater needs:
  • English Learners
  • Low Income and
  • Homeless/Foster Youth Students

School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

The purpose of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is to coordinate all educational services at the school. 
The SPSA serves as the organizer for an individual school’s improvement process.  The Plan should be developed with a deeper understanding of root causes of student academic challenges and identify and implement research-based instructional strategies to raise the achievement of students who are not yet proficient at state standards (based on the California State Dashboard information).
School Site Council members develop and annually review the School Plan for Student Achievement, establish an annual budget and make modifications in the plan to reflect changing needs and priorities at the school. School Site Council are comprised of an even number of school staff and parent/guardians who are elected by their peers at the beginning of each school year.

CA State LCAP Priorities

Since the Local Control Accountability Plan is funded by California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), the State has identified the priorities that need to be included in the LCAP. All goals outlined in the LCAP must focus on the following eight State identified priorities:
  1. Basic Services (Conditions of Learning)
  2. State Standards (Conditions of Learning)
  3. Parent Involvement (Engagement)
  4. Student Achievement (Pupil Outcomes)
  5. Student Engagement (Engagement)
  6. School Climate (Engagement)
  7. Course Access (Conditions of Learning)
  8. Other Student Outcomes (Pupil Outcomes)
The Local Control Accountability Plan only address students that the State of California has identified as students with greater needs:
  • English Learners
  • Low Income and
  • Homeless/Foster Youth students
Last updated: 9/20/24