Board Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Video
Board Agenda Notification
Board Agenda Notification
Board Agenda Notification
If you are interested in receiving Board Agendas directly to your inbox, please subscribe to our Board Agenda Notification List:
Regular meeting agendas are posted at least 72 hours in advance of the Board Meeting.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Regular Board Meeting
Open Session Begins at 6:00 PM
Location: Marigold School, MPR
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
Special Meeting
Open Session Begins at 5:00 PM
*** Location: Chico Unified School District
(Large Conference Room)
located at 1163 E. 7th Street, Chico
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Regular Board Meeting
Open Session Begins at 6:00 PM
Location: Marigold School, MPR
Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings
Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings
Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings
The Board of Education approves a meeting schedule during the December Annual Organizational Meeting. Additional meetings may be added, and times or locations may change at times. For the most accurate meeting time and location, please view the posted meeting agenda (posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting).
The following 2025 meeting schedule was approved at the December 18, 2024 Annual Organizational Meeting.
Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes (Listed by Years)
Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes (Listed by Years)
2025 Meetings
Meeting Date (Open Session Time) |
Agenda | Agenda Packet | Approved Minutes |
W, 1/15/25 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 2/5/25* | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 2/19/25 | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 3/12/25 | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 4/2/25* | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 4/16/25 | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 5/7/25* | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 5/21/25 | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 6/18/25 | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 6/25/25* | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 7/16/25 | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 8/20/25 | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 9/3/25* | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 9/17/25 | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 10/1/25* | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 10/15/25 | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 11/5/25* | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 11/19/25 | Agenda | Packet | |
W, 12/17/25 | Agenda | Packet |
2024 Meetings
Meeting Date (Open Session Time) |
Agenda | Agenda Packet | Approved Minutes |
W, 1/17/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 2/7/24* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 2/21/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 3/13/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 4/3/24* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 4/17/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 5/1/24* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 5/15/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 6/12/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 6/26/24* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
Canceled - W, 7/17/24 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
*Added: M, 7/29/24 |
Agenda | Packet |
Minutes |
*Added: M, 8/12/24 | Agenda |
Packet |
Minutes |
W, 8/21/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 9/4/24* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 9/18/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 10/2/24* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 10/16/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
* Added: F, 11/1/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
* Added: S, 11/2/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 11/6/24* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 11/20/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 12/18/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
Meeting Date (Open Session Time) |
Agenda | Agenda Packet | Approved Minutes |
W, 1/18/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 2/01/23* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 2/15/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 3/08/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 4/05/23* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 4/19/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 5/03/23* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 5/17/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 6/21/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W,6/28/23* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 7/19/23 (CANCELED) | N/A | N/A | N/A |
W, 8/23/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 9/06/23* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 9/20/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 10/04/23* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 10/18/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 11/01/23* | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 11/15/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
W, 12/13/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
- View Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes (1/15/2020-12/14/2022): View Now
Archived Materials
* Denotes Special Board Meeting/Workshop
Note: Minutes from Special Board Meetings/Workshops and Regular Board Meetings are approved and posted at the next Regular Board of Education Meeting.
Monthly Meetings
Monthly Meetings
Regular Board Meetings
Regular Board Meetings are typically held the third Wednesday of the month*.
Regular Board of Education Meetings*
When: Third Wednesday of the Month (some exceptions apply)
Time: Open Session 6 p.m. (Closed Session 5 p.m.)
Location: Marigold School, Multi-Purpose Room, 2446 Marigold Ave., Chico
* Please note: meeting location, time or dates may change. Please refer to the CUSD online calendar and the online agenda for information regarding upcoming meetings.
Public participation for items not on the agenda are allowed at Regular Board Meetings only. View the Board Meeting agenda for additional details.
Special Board Meetings/Workshops
Special Board Meetings are typically held the first Wednesday of the month*.
Special Board Meetings/Workshops*
When: First Wednesday of the Month (some exceptions apply)
Time: Open Session 5 p.m. (Closed Session Immediately Following the Meeting)
Location: Chico Unified School District, Large Conference Room, 1163 E. 7th Street., Chico
* Please note: meeting location, time or dates may change. Please refer to the CUSD online calendar and the online agenda for information regarding upcoming meetings.
Public participation at Special Board Meetings is allowed for items on the Special Board Meeting Agenda.
Brown Act Information
Brown Act Information
Brown Act Information
The intent and purpose of the Brown Act is to ensure that "actions (of local legislative bodies) be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly." (Government Code Section 54950) The general rule of the act is contained in Section 54953 which declares "All meetings of the legislative body of a local agency shall be open and public..." The Education Code also requires that, with limited exceptions, school board meetings be open to the public. (Education Code Section 35145). View the Brown Act Basics
STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION: The Governing Board of Chico Unified School District is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Chico Unified School District prohibits unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying, targeted at any student by anyone, based on the student's actual or perceived age, ancestry, ethnicity, parental status, pregnancy status, color, mental or physical disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, nationality, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, , or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District’s Chief Compliance and Title IX Officer, Tina Keene, by phone at (530) 891-3000, by email at, or in person at the District Office - 1163 East Seventh Street, Chico, CA 95928.
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Please contact the Superintendent's Office at 891-3000, 20235 should you require a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in meetings or visit the district office. This request should be received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting in order to accommodate your request. Thank you!