By-Trustee Area of Election System
Government entities across California, including the City of Chico, are transitioning to a new election system. Chico Unified School District Board of Education members are currently elected through an “at-large” election system, which means candidates for the Board of Education can reside anywhere in Chico Unified’s area of service and are elected by all registered voters that live within the Chico Unified School District boundaries.
Final Map Adoption
Final Map Adoption
Final Map Adoption
Pursuant to Elections Code Section 10010, subd. (a), the Public is Invited to Provide Input Regarding the Board of Education of the District Voting to Approve or Deny a Resolution Establishing District Based Elections, the Final Map for those Elections, and the Sequence for those Elections. The Board of Education Meeting is on 2/16/22.
Summary of Criteria Data
Summary of Criteria Data
Summary of Criteria Data
At the 2/2/22 Special Board Meeting/Workshop, the Board requested a comparison of the three maps being brought forward for consideration.