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Chico Unified School District


Chico Unified School District


Our District

Historical Photo of Salem St. School
Chico Unified School District (CUSD) is located in California's lush Sacramento Valley and covers 322 square miles. CUSD oversees 23 schools: 12 Elementary; three Junior High; two High School; one Continuation (FVHS); one Community Day School (AFC); one Opportunity (CAL); one Independent Study (Oakdale); one Special Services (Loma Vista); one Online Learning Academy (Oak Bridge Academy); four Preschool Programs.
Every school site strives to offer a diverse curriculum, highly qualified teachers and a dedicated staff placing students at the forefront of the learning process.


History of Chico Unified - Chico's first public school dates back to 1865; Salem Street School opened with a temporary roof and wooden floors. An entire public school system grew from these first humble beginnings.


In 1965, a special election was called and Chico Unified School District was formed.

Since its inception, Chico Unified School District has grown to encompass 18 schools with over 12,000 students and is comprised of many unique programs such as: preschool, transitional kindergarten (TK), continuation school, community day school, independent study program, Career and Technical Education programs (CTE), special services and an online academy.

Old CUSD Logo

We value our community partners and all of Chico for making public education a priority.