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Chico Unified School District


Chico Unified School District


About BLAST Program & Funding

What is BLAST?

What is BLAST?

BLAST is the Chico Unified School District grant funding After School Program. 


BLAST creates a physically and emotionally safe environment, conducive to learning while improving reading, writing, verbal, math, and social and communication skills.  At the elementary level programs are funded to serve approximately 90 students per school day. The junior high and high school programs serve approximately 110-150 per day.  BLAST provides a wide variety of opportunities for participating students.  BLAST program leaders and staff are fully trained in the program they deliver to students.  The BLAST staff is comprised of a diverse team of talented individuals; many are certificated teachers or college students.  Classroom teachers, CARD staff, and community partners round out the team that enjoy making a positive impact on our students.

Vision: To create a safe and supportive environment for students to achieve academic success and reach their greatest potential as a student and citizen.
Mission: To provide and reinforce high academic and social expectations for all children by providing students and families with targeted opportunities for enrichment, personal growth, and engagement in a nurturing and safe environment. 
1) Improve academic achievement through academic support and targeted interventions
2) Increase student engagement and wellness through a robust enrichment program 
3) Provide opportunities for positive youth development and leadership
4) Improve healthy behavior and physical and mental well-being through standards-based health, physical education, and nutrition lessons and activities
5) Expand 21st-century skills and preparation for the workplace through work-based learning and activities that provide opportunities for leadership, flexibility, taking initiative, communication, and collaboration 


BLAST offers 60 to 90 minutes of academic support to promote enthusiasm for learning and building skills in the areas of reading, math, writing, and science.  School day staff work closely with program leaders and staff to ensure academic support and activities complement the regular school day curriculum.  

Physical Education

Physical Education

Elementary-Students participate in a 40-minute physical activity lesson daily, known as Recreation.  BLAST strives to help students reach the recommended 60 minutes of daily moderate to vigorous physical activity.  Leaders are trained in SPARK, an after school physical education curriculum.  All staff are encouraged to attend 12 hours of SPARK training each year, facilitated by the CUSD SPARK Trainer. 

Junior High-Students are given 2-3 physical activity options in BLAST daily.  BLAST strives to help students reach the recommended 60 minutes of daily moderate to vigorous physical activity.  Activities include but are not limited to flag football, basketball, dodgeball, floor hockey, kickball, Tennis Racket Baseball, softball, and volleyball.  Students have the opportunity to participate in the intramural sports program.  The sport of the season changes every 6 weeks with two games where Bidwell, Chico Junior and Marsh compete for the intramural trophy. 
Enrichment and Recreation

Enrichment and Recreation

Students may participate in a variety of fun activities with their peers including arts and crafts, learning how to play musical instruments, dance, writing and performing plays, athletics and educational games.  BLAST provides a safe place in school campuses where students can strengthen academic skills and participate in age-appropriate activities while improving social skills.
Eligibility and Enrollment

Eligibility and Enrollment

Families with children enrolled in Chico Unified School District schools are eligible to apply if their school offers a BLAST program.  Currently, Bidwell Jr, Chico Jr, and Marsh Jr High Schools, and Chapman, Citrus, Emma Wilson, Hooker Oak, John McManus, Little Chico Creek, Marigold, Neal Dow, Parkview, Rosedale, Shasta, and Sierra View Elementary Schools offer these programs.  BLAST is no cost to all participating families. Families will be contacted when they have been selected for an available opening.  Children who apply, but are not enrolled, will be placed on a wait list.  To be considered for enrollment, you must complete a BLAST After School Program online application linked above.  The links to apply are posted on the BLAST webpage each spring for the following school year's program and will close on December 20th of the current school year.
 Paid positions in the BLAST program are available via CARD. CARD paid enrollment does not have an attendance policy. Students enrolled through Chico Unified and CARD participate in the same BLAST program. 
Please visit the CARD website for information on paid BLAST positions and non-BLAST CUSD Elementary Schools.

Demographics of the After School Program

Demographics of the After School Program

BLAST strives to serve all our CUSD Students within our After School Programs, below are some Demographics of BLAST Grant enrolled students who have attended 75% or more days of the After School Program in the 2021-2022 School year.

  • Males-51%
  • Females-49%
  • Nonbinary-1%
  • Percent of Students who are English Language Learners-11%
  • Percent of Students who receive Special Ed. Services-18%
  • Percent of Students who receive Free or Reduced Lunch-76%
Ethnicities Attending BLAST 75% or more days in 2021-2022