BLAST Hours & Attendance Policy
BLAST Hours & Attendance Policy
BLAST Hours & Attendance Policy
Hours of Operation:
BLAST operates every regular school day until 6:00 pm, including minimum days.
Intersession Camps are offered to all CUSD enrolled students. Please see the Intersession Camps Page for more information.
The BLAST program has a strict attendance policy due to the criteria of the grant funding.
Daily attendance until 4:30 pm is expected every day school is in session with the exception of illness or medical appointments. Each student is granted (1) day a week for an early release for an extracurricular activity and (15) unexcused absences/early pickups per school year. Excessive unexcused absence/early pickups may result in your child being dropped from the grant funded After School Program.
Junior High
Hours of Operation:
BLAST operates every regular school day until 5:15 pm. BLAST programs are closed on minimum days.
Intersession Camps are offered to all CUSD enrolled students. Please see the Intersession Camps Page for more information.
The BLAST program has a strict attendance policy due to the criteria of the grant funding.
Daily attendance until 4:15 pm is expected (4) days per week with the exception of illness or medical appointments. Each student granted (15) unexcused absences/early pickups per school year. Excessive unexcused absence/early pickups may result in your child being dropped from the grant funded After School Program.
Before School Program
Before School Program is available before school hours at the elementary (except for Emma Wilson, Hooker Oak, Marigold, Shasta and Sierra View) and junior high (except for Marsh Jr) program sites for each grade level. Hours of operation vary among schools. Before school programs operate for a minimum of 90 minutes.
It is the intent that students will attend every day for the full range of program hours, however we understand that families need flexibility in the morning. Students may attend on days when they need the program, as long as they attend a minimum of 45 minutes on those days. Attendance will be taken by the Before School Program Supervisor each day. Please contact your school office to see where children meet each day. There is no application required for the Before School Program.