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Chico Unified School District


Chico Unified School District


February Saturday Camp

Attention all CUSD TK - 6 Grade Students

Attention all CUSD TK - 6 Grade Students

Join us for the Chico Unified School District February Saturday Camp! This month's camp will be hosted at Neal Dow Elementary School. Enjoy activities including FREE breakfast and lunch!
February Saturday Camp Schedule

February Saturday Camp Schedule

  • 7:30-8 - Drop off
  • 8-8:30 - Free Breakfast
  • 8:30-12 - Activities
  • 12-12:30 - Free lunch/Pick up
  • 12:30-4:30 -Extended Care Program
Questions? ¿ P R E G U N T A S ?

Questions? ¿ P R E G U N T A S ?

Questions? Contact Expanded Learning Coordinator: 
¿ P R E G U N T A S ? C O M U N Í Q U E S E  C O N  E L  C O O R D I N A D O R  D E  A P R E N D I Z A  J E  A M P L I A D O E N
K Q U O K @ C H I C O U S D . O R G