Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)- PBIS is a prevention model that is based on the premise that all students can benefit from well-implemented, evidence-based practices for improving student behavior.
PBIS At Our Schools
PBIS At Our Schools
PBIS At Our Schools
Each site in Chico Unified implements a school-wide system of behavioral supports, through a team-based approach, by developing procedures to:
- Define clear behavioral expectations
- Teach behavioral expectations
- Acknowledge appropriate behaviors
- Proactively correct behavior errors and reteach expectations when data shows a need
Thirteen Chico Unified Schools have been recognized by the California PBIS Coalition for their outstanding PBIS programs. Learn more about the requirements for the levels of recognition at https://pbisca.org/criteria-at-a-glance.
"What is PBIS?"
Outside Content: What is PBIS? The BEST Intro Video! By Author & Coach Dina Hidiq Zebib"What is PBIS?"
Program Benefits
Program Benefits
Program Benefits
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) helps:
- create and sustain positive school climates
- address the behavioral needs of all students with proven, easy to implement strategies
- allows schools to create the “right fit” for students, so that practices are appropriate to the context and sustainable over time
- results in increased time for instruction and fewer disciplinary incidents
- is affordable to implement and maintain