Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Many factors contribute to student success in academics. Students may face additional challenges or hurdles to achieving academic success in school. Factors include, but are not limited to: disabilities that impact learning, limited English proficiency, cultural and gender awareness, housing and food insecurities, advanced instructional rigor, and access to counseling and behavioral supports.
Chico Unified School District is taking a data-driven approach to implementing programs and supporting student engagement and learning. Program supports include:
- Academics – California Content Standards-based curriculum, classroom instructional practices and interventions, and a focus on reading, writing and speaking and listening across all grade levels. Specific programs and supports include: Career and Technical Education, Advanced Placement courses, small group reading instruction, and professional development to continue to build and support our teachers’ skills.
- Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) - PBIS is a prevention model that is based on the premise that all students can benefit from well-implemented, evidence-based practices for improving student behavior. Each site in Chico Unified implements a school-wide system of behavioral supports, through a team-based approach, by developing procedures to:
- Define clear behavioral expectations
- Teach behavioral expectations
- Acknowledge appropriate behaviors
- Proactively correct behavior errors and reteach expectations when data shows a need
- Social-Emotional Supports – Targeted case managers, school psychologists, counselors, and elementary counseling assistants help support the social-emotional and mental health of our students. Wellness rooms, classroom-based social-emotional strategies, and counselor-supported groups have become a staple across Chico Unified.
Each school site has an MTSS Lead who works in partnership with the school’s principal, the District Leadership Team, the District English Learner Advisory Committee, the NorCal MTSS Team, and our Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). In addition, input is received from students, parents, and community members through outreach during the Local Control Accountability Plan development process.
If you have questions or if you wish to learn more about our Multi-Tiered System of Supports, please contact your school site administrator or the Educational Services Department at (530)891-3000 and select ‘Option 4’ to speak with one of our directors.