Campus Culture
Safe and Inclusive Learning Environment
Safe and Inclusive Learning Environment
Safe and Inclusive Learning Environment
Dear Students of Chico Unified -
Our school district is committed to providing you with a campus and classroom environment that is accepting and thrives on respect and understanding. Despite differences, our widely unique campus population should feel safe and confident expressing themselves.
By policy and by law, Chico Unified is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive learning environment free from harassment, discrimination, hate speech and intolerance. Discrimination, harassment and hate speech will not be tolerated. If you experience (or witness) discrimination, harassment or hate speech, immediately report the incident to your school’s Principal or Assistant Principal.
We truly want every student to feel safe on campus. Thank you to students who positively contribute to creating a school culture of respect, empathy and understanding.
Sincerely, Kelly Staley, Chico Unified Superintendent

Chico Unified respects our students’ rights to express ideas and opinions even when the topic is controversial. We also expect that our students will be respectful to others, even those who may have opinions that differ from their own.
In California and Chico Unified, students have the right to exercise Freedom of Speech. Such speech cannot cause a substantial disruption to the school’s orderly operation. Examples of substantial disruption include but are not limited to, blocking entrances or exits, inciting students, or causing a danger to the members of our school community.
As a reminder, to provide an orderly school environment for our students and protect the safety of our school community, all visitors must check-in at the office during the school day.
Chico Unified School District's primary commitment is to provide a safe educational environment for all students. We acknowledge the diverse philosophical and political viewpoints in our community and encourage respectful understanding of all perspectives. Respecting differing viewpoints is not just a policy, it's a fundamental value of our school community.