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Chico Unified School District


Chico Unified School District


Public Record Requests

California Public Records Act

California Public Records Act

​​​​​​​​​The California Public Records Act (CPRA) was passed by the California Legislature in 1968 for government agencies and requires that government records be disclosed to the public, upon request, unless there are privacy and/or public safety exemptions that would prevent doing so. You can view a Summary of the California Public Records Act 2004 on the Office of the Attorney General's website: click to view the external website link.

What is Considered a Public Record?

Government Code §6252 (e) defines a public record as “any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public's business prepared, owned, used or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics."
Chico Unified School District respects the public’s right to access records created and maintained by CUSD in the course of normal business. In order to obtain a public record, the request for records must be both specific and focused. We respectfully ask all record requests reasonably identifies the desired records in order for staff to more efficiently search for and promptly provide responsive documents.

How Do I Make a Request?

Requests may be made electronically by submitting a letter (see sample below) to or via mail at CUSD, Attn: Rocio French, 1163 E. 7th Street, Chico, CA 95928.
A focused request must include the following to ensure staff has enough information to research as possible to process your request:
  • The subject of the record.
  • A clear, concise, and specific description of the record(s) being requested.
  • The date(s) of the record(s), or a time period for your request (e.g.: calendar year 2020).
  • Full names for the individuals and/or departments included in your request, including proper spelling.
  • Any additional information that helps staff identify the record(s) being requested.
  • Your contact information for response to your request, preferably an email address.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please call our Business Services Department at 530-891-3000 ext. 20111.

How Long Will a Response Take?

Chico Unified School District (CUSD) will review your request promptly upon receipt, and will, within 10 calendar days from the date the request was received, notify you of one or more of the following:
  • We have determined that CUSD has nonexempt records responsive to your request and the date the records will be provided.
  • We have determined your request seeks records exempt from mandatory disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act (PRA).
  • Your request requires additional guidance to make a clearer and more effective request.
  • CUSD does not have documents responsive to your request.
As a courtesy, you may receive a receipt of acknowledgment, however this is not a requirement by law.
Under unusual circumstances, we may extend this time to respond to your request by an additional fourteen days. CUSD will notify you when it extends the response time and inform you of the reasons for the extension.

Reasons a Request May Be Denied

Chico Unified School District may deny your request if it determines the records you are seeking are privileged, confidential or otherwise exempt from mandatory disclosure under the California Public Records Act (PRA), or if the requested records are not found. CUSD will notify you if it makes this determination.​

Sample CPRA Letter

Chico Unified School District
ATTN: Rocio French
1163 E. 7th Street
Chico, CA 95928

Re: California Public Records Act Request
To whom it may concern:
Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (CPRA), Government Code section 7920 et seq., I hereby request [access to] and/or [copies of] the following documents, which I have reason to believe may be filed with, retained by, or prepared by Chico Unified School District (CUSD):
[Insert reasonable description of an identifiable record or records.]
Please respond within 10 calendar days from the date CUSD receives this request as to whether this request specifies identifiable records  that are not exempted from mandatory disclosure under the CPRA, or that are privileged or otherwise confidential, and therefore are subject  to disclosure. I understand this time may be extended up to 14 days in unusual circumstances, as provided by Government Code section 7922.535, subdivision (b), and that I will be notified of such an extension and the reasons for the extension.
I am aware if the requested records are too voluminous, CUSD may provide me access to the records to review and photocopy with my own equipment and at my own expense.
[Your Name]
[Your contact information]
Need Assistance?

Need Assistance?

Contact: Rocio French
Department: Business Services
Phone: (530) 891-3000 ext. 20111
Page Last Updated: 05/30/23