Power Outage

In the event of a power outage, the school campus will continue to remain open. In most cases, keeping students on campus is the safest option during school hours. Please assume that school will be in session, for normal hours, the next day.
In the event of a school closure, notification will be sent via our district-wide communication system and also will be posted on the website.
Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) - Chico Unified School District Response
A Public Safety Power Shutoff is a preventative system utility companies use when they predict extreme weather conditions that could cause a fire. While extreme weather conditions may not be occurring in your area, you should still be on the alert in case you are impacted by a Public Safety Power Shutoff.
Chico Unified School District (CUSD) is committed to keeping schools open to the greatest extent possible during a PSPS understanding instructional time is the foundation to students’ academic achievement. CUSD is also aware of the impact on families a school closure has on student supervision and safety. CUSD will use the following criteria for closing schools if a PSPS is initiated by PG&E.
- Access to school is impeded and/or unsafe
- Power is off for more than twenty-four (24) hours
- Outside temperature is over 95 degrees and Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems are non-operational
- Water is not available
- Fire alarm systems are non-operational
Please note, most CUSD classrooms have natural light through windows or solar tubes thus lighting in classrooms, although not ideal, is available and sufficient for instruction and/or supervision.
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) has communicated their intent to notify CUSD of a possible PSPS twenty-four hours before a shutoff is initiated. CUSD will use this early notification to assess the impact to our schools and communicate school closures if needed.
Please visit the CUSD website’s announcement feed for updated information regarding school closures on our website at http://www.chicousd.org/
For more information on PSPS involving PG&E you can access their website at the following link:
In most cases, keeping students on campus is the safest option during school hours. Please assume that school will be in
session, for normal hours, the next day.